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YES Youth Energy Day Agenda


YES! Tomorrow's World

20 Jun 2023
Plenary Theatre

Scene Setting Remarks from YES! Foundational Partner: Joseph Nganga, Vice President for Africa, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)

Chairperson: Almas Jiwani, President of Emeritus UN Women Canada NC and CEO of Almas Jiwani Foundation


  • H.E Honourable Mawunyo Mila Aziablé, Minister Delegate to the President of the Republic of Togo, in charge of Energy & Mines, Republic of Togo
  • Kevit Desai, Principal Secretary the State Department of Vocational & Technical Training (TVET) in the Ministry of Education, Republic of Kenya
  • Nadia Ahmed Abdalla, Communication Strategist & Former Deputy Minister of ICT, Innovations & Youth Affairs, Republic of Kenya
  • Joseph Nganga, Vice President for Africa, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)
  • George Akelola, Senior Legal Counsel, KenGen, Republic of Kenya
  • Zeddy Bariti, Communications Specialist, Ministry of East African Community, the ASALs & Regional Development & The Power Dialogue Podcast Host, Republic of Kenya
  • Thuso Kuali, Energy & Infrastructure, Standard Bank Group, South Africa
  • Noella Molefe, Chief Advisor – Climate Change, Policy and Strategy, Eskom, Republic of South Africa
  • Olugbenga Olubanjo, Chief Executive Officer, Reeddi, Canada
View all YES Youth Energy Day Agenda