Unleashing the Power of Youth-led Change in Clean Cooking
22 Jun 2023
YES! Theatre 2
Meet the YES Partners
Session Hosted by Clean Cooking Alliance & Student Energy
- Clean cooking is a youth issue; and a cross-cutting solution to today’s climate and development challenges!
- How the lack of access to clean cooking impacts the planet, people, and youth in particular?
- What are youth doing to tackle clean cooking challenges? What support do they need to scale their impact?
- What is CCA doing to foster meaningful and equitable youth engagement in clean cooking?
Moderator: Prudence Lihabi, Deputy Director, Programmes (Clean and Renewable Energy) at Office of the First Lady and Founder of Youth in Sustainable Energy, Republic of Kenya
- Michelle Njoroge, Market Strengthening Associate, Clean Cooking Alliance, Republic of Kenya
- Norah Magero, Founder & CEO, Drop Access, Republic of Kenya
- Elisha Caleb, Founder & CEO, AgroTech Plus, Republic of Kenya
- Calvin Shikuku, Co-Founder & CEO Motobrix Limited, Republic of Kenya
- Marina Fenka, Capacity Building Group, SDG 7 Youth Constituency, Republic of Kenya